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методическая разработка

Submitted by Ольга Витальевна Кизим on Wed, 30/10/2019 - 03:32
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Кизим Ольга Витальевна
Место работы, должность: 

МБОУ "СОШ №163" г. Зеленогорск Красноярский край, учитель иностранных языков

Красноярский край
Характеристики ресурса
Уровни образования: 
начальное общее образование
Уровни образования: 
основное общее образование
Уровни образования: 
среднее (полное) общее образование
2 класс
3 класс
4 класс
5 класс
6 класс
7 класс
8 класс
9 класс
Английский язык
Целевая аудитория: 
Целевая аудитория: 
Учитель (преподаватель)
Тип ресурса: 
методическая разработка
Краткое описание ресурса: 
<p>1. Материал (лексика, грамматика, тексты и диалоги для аудирования, драматизации) по теме <em><u>HOME</u></em><em><u>, </u></em><em><u>SWEET</u></em> <em><u>HOME.</u></em></p> <p>2. Методическая подборка грамматического материала для обобщения и систематизации знаний по работе с конструкцией THERE IS/THERE ARE (основная лексика по теме <em><u>HOME</u></em><em><u>, </u></em><em><u>SWEET</u></em> <em><u>HOME</u></em><em><u>).</u></em></p>


Материал (лексика, грамматика, тексты и диалоги для аудирования, драматизации) по теме HOME, SWEET HOME


Sing a Sing

Home is the nicest place to be

With father, and mother, and brother, and me.

With Grandpa and Granny, and sister, and cat.

Oh, no place can be than that.


1. East or West, home is best.

2. There is no place like home.

3. Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad.

4. Everyone has a skeleton in their cupboard.


1. The kitchen is the nicest place

    In all the house to me,

    For that’s where Mummy bakes the pies

   And fruity cakes for me.

2. The house of a mouse

    Is a very little house,

    Is a green little house in the grass,

   Which big clumsy folk

   May hunt and may poke

   And still never see as they pass

   This sweet little house in the grass.

3. – Little Mouse, little Mouse,

       Where is your house?

-Little Cat, little Cat,

 I have no flat.

 I am a poor Mouse,

I have no house.


- Little Mouse, little Mouse,

  Come into my house.

- Little Cat, little Cat,

  I cannot do that,

 You want to eat me.

Лексические упражнения


Corridor          furniture: a hall stand, …

                    Activities: to put on, …

Kitchen             furniture: a cupboard, stools, …

                         activities: to cook, to bake, …

Dining room       furniture: a table, …

                          activities: to lay the table, to eat, …

Living room      furniture: a sofa, …

                          Activities: to watch TV, …

Bedroom          furniture: a wardrobe, …

                         activities: to rest, …

Children’s room          furniture: a bed, toys, …

                                      activities: to sleep, …

Study          furniture: a desk, …

                   activities: to write, …

Bathroom                 furniture: a bath, a towel, …

                                  activities: to brush teeth, …

Тексты для аудирования

What kind of room is this?

1. This room is not very big. There are two beds, a little table, a wardrobe and two chairs in it. We sleep in this room. (a bedroom)

2. This room is not very big either. There are all modern conveniences in it. We cook food on it. There is a small square table and four stools in it. Near the window there is a refrigerator. On the walls there are some shelves. (a kitchen)

3. This room is neither big nor small. It’s a nice room. There’s a big window in it. There is a table in the middle of the room, six chairs, and a cupboard in it. We eat in this room. (a dining room)

4. This is a big nice room. There two large windows. There is a little table with a TV set on it, two armchairs in this room. You can see a comfortable sofa opposite the TV set. In the evening the family likes sitting in this room. (a living room)

5. This is a small room. There is a rug in front of the door. We can see a mirror and a telephone there. We put on or take off our clothes in this room and hang them on the hall-stand. (a hall)

6. This room is not very big. There is a big bookcase with lots of books in it. We can see a computer, a CD player, a desk in this room. My father often works there. (a study)

What kind of room is this?

1. We wash in this room. (a bathroom)

2. We cook food in this room. (a kitchen)

3. We read, write and work in this room. (a study)

4. We eat in this room. (a dining room)

5. We sleep in this room. (a bedroom)

6. We watch TV set and talk in this room. (a living room)

What’ this?

1. We sit on it (a chair, a sofa)

2. We rest in it (an armchair)

3. We eat at it (a table)

4. We watch it (a TV set)

5. We listen to it (A CD)

6. We keep food in it to have it cold (a refrigerator)

7. We sleep on it (a bed)

8. We search different information using it (the Internet, a computer)




Dining room

Living room


Children’s room

(№ 4)

(№ 3)

(№ 2)

(1 №)

(№ 5)


 1. There’s no TV set in this room.  There are no bookshelves in it. We can see a wardrobe there. There are two beds in the room and a nice warm carpet on the floor.

2. The room is large. There’s a table in the middle of the room. We can see two armchairs and a sofa in it. We have got a TV set in the room.

3. This room isn’t large. There’s a table and four chairs round it. We can see a cupboard in the room. There are plates, spoons, forks and cups on the table.

 4. This room is small. There’s no TV set and sofa in it. There are no beds, no bookshelves in this room. There’s hot and cold water, gas in this room. We can see a fridge near the window.

5. The room isn’t large. There’s a bookcase in it. In the bookcase we can see Russian and English books. On the right there’s a desk. On the desk we can see lots of textbooks, a computer, a pen and pencils, In the corner of the room there are toys, cars, balls.

(Texts and dialogues for reading and dramatizing, drawing,  ……….)

MY ROOM (draw)

            My room is not very big. The table is in the middle of the room. The vase is on the table. The chair is to the left of the table. The bookcase is next to the door. The television is on wall opposite the sofa. The clock is on the wall above the sofa. The round carpet is in front of the sofa. I like my room.

A BRITISH HOUSE (read and retell)

A Britain and America, most people live in houses. They say “There is no place like home” and “My house is my castle” and “Home, sweet home”.

British houses are not large but very nice. Most British houses have got two floors. On the ground floor there’s a hall, a living room, a kitchen and a cellar. There’s a fire place in the living room because British people like to sit by the fire on cold winter evenings.

Upstairs, on the first floor, there are two bedrooms, a study and a bathroom.

In front of the house there’s a  small lawn. There are usually many tulips and roses there. At the bak of the house there’s a nice garden and apple trees.

THE GREENS' HOUSE (read, answer the questions, dramatize)


Tom: Let me show you our house, Kate.

Kate: OK.

Tom: This is the ground floor. On the ground floor there’s a hall. There’s also a living room and a kitchen.

Kate: Is there a bathroom on the ground floor?

Tom: No, there isn’t. The bathroom is upstairs.

(Where is Kate?

Is there a hall in the Green’s house?

Is there a living room on the ground floor?

Is there a bathroom on the ground floor or on the first floor?)


Tom: Let’s go upstairs.

Kate: OK.

Tom: On the first floor there’s a bathroom and a bedroom. There’s also a small study.

Kate: Oh, how lively.

Tom: This is my parents’ room. It is next to the hall.

Kate: Is there a telephone here?

Tom: No, the telephone is in the study.

(How many bedrooms are there on the first floor?

Is there a bathroom on the first floor?

Is there a telephone in the bedroom or in the study?

There’s a study on the first floor, isn’t it?)


Tom: Let’s go to the second floor.

Kate: OK.

Tom: On the second floor there are two bedrooms: my sister’s room and my bedroom.

Kate: Oh, how lively!

            Tom; This is my sister’s bedroom. It’s next to my bedroom.

            Kate: Is there a television here?

            Tom: Yes, my sister has got a television in her room. I’ve also got a computer in my room.

(How many bedrooms are there on the second floor?

Is there a bathroom on the second floor?

Is Tom’s bedroom next to his sister’s bedroom?

There’s a computer in Tom’s bedroom, isn’t it?)



Put the sentences in the correct order to make the conversations.

1. –We live in a lighthouse.

- No. we don’t

- Where do you live?

- Do you live in an ordinary house?

- Do you like living there?

- It’s romantic and unusual. But I think it’s better to live in an ordinary house

 with all modern conveniences.

2. – Do you live in a quiet area?

- Yes, we do. We have gas, electricity, running water and central heating. It’s very convenient.

- Do you have all modern conveniences?

- Do you live in an unusual house?

- No, we don’t. We live in an ordinary house.

- Yes, we do. And our house is not far from my school.

These sentences are broken in half. Unite them.

1. Many English families …

2. There are two …

3. The bedrooms and a bathroom …

4. The living room, the kitchen and the hall …

a) … are downstairs on the ground floor.

b) … live in flats, but some people have got their own houses.

c) … floors in the traditional English house.

d) … are upstairs on the first floor.

There was/is or There were/are

1. _______ a lot of books in the wall unit.

2. _______ blue curtains on the window.

3. _______ a lot of clothes in the wardrobe.

4. _______ a carpet on the floor.

5. _______ all modern conveniences in the house.

6. _______ a refrigerator in the corner of the kitchen.

7. _______ four friends at the table.

Was/Is or were/are

1. ______ there a wall unit in the living room?

2. ______ there pictures on the wall?

3. ______ there bookshelves in the room?

4. _______ there a table near the window?

5. _______ there three or two bedrooms in the house?

6. _______ there a comfortable armchair in the room?

7. _______  there a lot of books on the shelf?




Методическая подборка грамматического материала для обобщения и систематизации знаний по работе с конструкцией THERE IS/THERE ARE (основная лексика по теме HOME, SWEET HOME).


Конструкция указывает, что в каком-то месте есть, имеется, находится что-то или кто-то.   “There” в этой конструкции не имеет значения “там”. Перевод предложения с there is/there are надо начинать с обстоятельства места, которое обычно стоит в конце или в начале предложения.

The Present Indefinite Tense

            1 There is a study in our new flat.

            2 Are there any new stools in this kitchen?

3 There are not any more questions.

  The Past Indefinite Tense

            1 There were too many trees in our garden.

2 There weren’t any flights for Moscow yesterday.

3 There was a chair and two armchairs in the sitting room.

The Future Indefinite Tense

             1 There will be an international airport in Krasnoyarsk next year.

            2 There won’t be any stools in this dining room.

The Present Perfect Tense

             1 There has been a traffic jam, that’s why I’m late.

            2 There have been three high schools in this country.


1 Study the following table and make up your own examples:

A. With countable nouns in the singular:

                                               a table

                                               a table and two chairs

There is                                  no table                                              in the room.

                                               not any table

                                               not one but two tables

Is there a (any) table in the room.

B. With uncountable nouns

                                               some water

                                               (a) little water

There is                                  no (not any) water                                         in the glass.

                                               (not) much water

                                               (not) enough water

                                               not little but much water

                                               too little (much) water

Is there any water in the glass?

C. With nouns in plural

                                               some chairs

                                               (a) few chairs

                                               two chairs and a table

 There are                              (not) (too) many chairs                                 in the room.

                                               no (not any) chairs

                                               (not) enough chairs

                                               not two but three chairs

Are there any chairs in the room?


+                      There is           something                  in the room.



?                      Is there           anything                     in the room?



_                      There is           nothing                       in the room.

                                               no one

2  Practise the models using the following words:

Model 1:         Is there a bookcase in your room?    -           Yes, there is.

                        Is there a kitchen in your flat?          -           No, there isn’t.

  • a dressing table, a piano, a writing-desk, a bathroom, a nursery, a pantry;

Model 2:         Are there any armchairs in your flat? -        Yes, there are.

                                                                                              No, there aren’t.

  • carpets, electrical devices, mirrors, pictures, stools;

Model 3:         What is there to the left of the door?

                        There is a sofa there.

  • opposite the door,  above the desk, in front of the fireplace, next to the sofa, on the low table;

Model 4:         Is there any milk in the fridge?        - Yes, there is some.

                                                                                     No, there isn’t any.

  • sour cream, sugar in the sugar-basin, pepper in the pepper-box, fruit in the vase, mustard in the mustard-pot;

Model 5:         What table is there in the middle of the room?

-           There is a round table there.

-    a carpet on the floor, a pot-plant on the window-sill, a lamp near the armchair, a handmade vase, a picture above the sofa;

Model 6:         How many chairs are there in your room?

  •       There are five.
  • windows in the sitting room, beds in the bedroom, armchairs in the study, knives and forks on the table, cups in the cupboard;

Model 7:         There’s a sofa in the room but there is no bed there.

  • a chair, an armchair; a bedside table, a cocktail table; a gas stove, an electric stove; a stereo, a computer; a bookcase, a bookshelf;

Model 8:         There are some plates on the table but there are no cups there.

  • Cups-glasses, forks-knives, tea-spoons—table-spoons, frying pans—saucepans, milk bottles-jugs;

3 Make the following sentences negative and interrogative:

1 There are radiators in the room.

2 There‘s a modern block of flats round the corner.

3 There are all modern conveniences in his flat.

4 There is some space between the wardrobe and the window.

5 There is much light in the room.

4 Extend the following sentences using the words in brackets:

Model 1:                     There is an armchair in the room (two chairs).

                        There is an armchair and two chairs in the room.

1 There is a dictionary on my desk (a lot of books).

2 There is a bread-plate on the table (some soup plate).

3 There is a frying –plate on the stove (two saucepans).

4 There is a sugar-basin on the table (tea-things).

5 There is a freezer in the kitchen (two fridges).

Model 2:         There is a book-case in the study, isn’t there? ( the left-hand corner)

  • Yes, there is. It is in the left-hand corner.

1 There is a dressing table in the bedroom, isn’t there? (near the bed)

2 There is a bookshelf in the study, isn’t there? (above the desk)

3 There is a colour TV set in the sitting room, isn’t there? (in the corner)

4 There is a wardrobe in the bedroom, isn’t there? (opposite the bed)

5 There is a night table in the bedroom, isn’t there? ( next to the bed)

5 Change the following sentences using “there is” or “there are”:

1 We have all modern conveniences in the flat.

2 He has a few English books and a dictionary on the table.

3 Have you got enough furniture in the room?

4 They have a lot of nice things in their flat.

5 How many stools have you in the kitchen?

6  Make the following sentences complete using “there is” or “there are”:

1 any multi-storeyed houses in your street;

2 too much furniture in the sitting room;

3 not enough light in the bedroom;

4 all modern conveniences;

5 some water in the kettle;

7  Say what pieces of furniture

            a) we usually see in the kitchen (bedroom, sitting-room);

            b) we never see there. Use “there is”, ”there are”.

8 Fill in prepositions or adverbs. Retell the text.

Mary is … the kitchen. She is near the table … the middle … the room. There is a lamp … the table.  There is a lamp … the table. There are a lot … things … the table. There’s a jug … the middle. Mary has a dish and a spoon … her hand. Behind her there is a dresser and a kitchen sink … it. There are two pots, two bowls and a frying-pan … the gas stone. There are a lot … things … the shelves … the dresser. There are plates. And dishes, and jugs and bowls. There is a loaf … bread … bread board, and a tray … tea cups …the bottom … the dresser. There are twp drawers and cupboards … the kitchen. Under the drawers … the kitchen sink there are two taps. They are … the wall. Over the sink, there is a clock … the wall. Near the window, there is a table some shelves. There are two saucepans … the shelves.

9 Answer the questions:

1 How many storeys are there in the house you live in?

2 What modern conveniences are there in the house?

3 You have a three-room flat, haven’t you? Which is your favourite room? Why?

4 What is the main piece of furniture in your room?  What is there to the left of the room? (to the right)

5 There is enough light in the room, isn’t there?

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