Сегодня мы продолжим говорить об экологических проблемах нашей планеты и узнаем, что
нужно сделать, чтобы её защитить, сделать лучше.
Good morning!
Glad to see you too.
I’m fine, thanks.
I’m fine.
Alex, Julia are on duty today.
Irina, Julia, Kate, Olga, Stacy, Vova are absent.
The 12 th of December.
Today it’s Saturday.
It’s sunny.
к учебной
деятельности на английском языке, организация класса
и установление
делового контакта
с учащимися.
Look at the blackboard and repeat the words:
busy [bizi]-занятый
air [eә] –воздух
up [^p] –вверх
everywhere [evriweә] –везде
Read a poem.
“I’m busy”, said the air.
“Blowing here and blowing there,
Up and down and everywhere.
I’m busy”, said the air”.
Open your books on p. 74 and repeat the words.
Pupils repeat the words after me.
Pupils read the words after each other.
Pupils open their vocabularies and write down the words.
I give examples for each word.
With my help pupils understand the meaning of the words.
Pupils read a poem after me.
Pupils read a poem after each other.
Pupils repeat the words after me.
Pupils read the words after each other.
зарядка позволяет
с новым
материалом по теме, чтобы перейти к дальнейшим упражнениям.
3. Проверка домашнего задания
(5-7 мин.)
What home task have you had?
Russian children also think about the Earth. Which of the following are you asked, allowed or told to do?
Our home task was p. 81, ex. 2.
Pupil 1: I think we are asked to collect paper.
Pupil 2: We are not told to throw away litter.
Pupil 3: To my mind, we are not allowed to leave litter in the forest.
Pupil 4: We are asked to raise money to save animals.
Pupil 5: We are told to organize environment groups.
домашнего задания
и исправление
в его выполнении.
4. Объяснение нового материала
(10-15 мин.)
Open your books on p. 77, study the rule: Simple Present Passive.
Какобразуется Simple Present Passive?
Для чего он используется?
Ответьтенавопрос,используяSimple Present Passive:
What ecological problems do you know?
Water is polluted.
Forests are cut down.
Litter is thrown away.
Pupils read the rule and answer the questions.
Am/is/are V3 (ed)
Когда мы сообщаем о предмете или явлении, над которым совершается действие.
Составляют предложения вSimplePresentPassive.
Write and translate the sentences.
Вода загрязняется.
Леса вырубаются.
Мусор выбрасывается.
Развиваются грамматические
с использованием
лексики по теме.
Предложения записываются и проверяются
на доске.
6.Закрепление материала
Open your books on p. 85, ex.1, read the task.
How do the children say they are worried?
Listen to the tape and answer the question: What are some other ways to say you are worried?
If you want, listen again.
Replace the phrases in the letters. What variants have you got now?
Pupil reads the task: British children often write to the Young Telegrath newspaper what they are worried about. What are Matthew and Laura worried about?
Pupil answer: I’m very worried … I find the situation in our countryside worrying.
Pupils listen to the tape.
Pupils listen again and answer:
I’m worried about the pollution.
I find this problem worrying.
I’m worried that water is polluted.
I’m afraid of dangerous gases.
I’m very concerned about air pollution.
I’m very concerned that forests are destroyed.
Pupils answer the question:
I find this problem worrying.
I’m worried that water is polluted.
На данном этапе закрепляется пройденная лексика по теме и повторяется грамматический материал построения вопросов с модальными глаголами.
Write down the home task: read and translate the children’s opinions
(p. 85,ex. 1 (1)),
Домашнее задание подготовлено ходом урока, записывается в специально отведённой части доски.
8. Подведение итогов
(2 мин.)
Подводятся итоги урока. Наиболее активные ученики получают оценки:
Julia – 5, because you work well;
Ann, Julia, Alex, Angelina, Lesha – 4, Helen, Andrew – 3, you should work better.