Размещено: Евгения Владимировна Чурсина - ср, 03/03/2010 - 10:16
Конспектоткрытогоурока«Is the smell of success sweet?»(1сл)
Первичное введение и закрепление лексики по теме:”Success”
Развитие языковой догадки и навыков аудирования.
Формирование навыков устного высказывания.
Совершенствование грамматических навыков по теме: «Условные предложенияIтипа.
Продолжить работу над развитием у обучающихся навыков и умений самовыражения на английском языке на основе адекватного лексико – грамматического оформления речевого высказывания.
Создать условия для формирования умения опираться на свой жизненный опыт, развивать аналитические и рефлексивные способности при оценивании своей работы.
Развивать интеллектуальные и творческие способности у учащихся в процессе общения на английском языке.
Воспитывать в учащихся стремление быть успешными людьми.
Техническое оснащение:
Проектор, компьютер, цифровой носитель с записью текста.
Ход урока:
1.Оргмомент (2 минуты)
На партах готовый комплект с заданиями! Звенит звонок. Учитель готовится. (Театрализация. Мисс Марплcлупой).Звучит музыка «Розовая Пантера»
Oh,goodmorning,mydear! What a wonderful smell in your class! It, s fantastically! Sorry, I’ve forgotten to introduce myself. I’m Miss Marple, the best detective in England! I have a great problem and I think you can help me!
The matter is - that the Success has been lost! (СлайдWanted). What a terrible thing! All England suffers without it! But nobody can find it. Today you will be my helpers, won’t you? I think our work will be effective!
Do you know what am I talking about? What is success? Do you know where can I find it? Cлайдотом,гдеможетнаходитьсяуспех: in a bank, in an office, at school, in a person.
Are you sure that we must find the success in the people? I’lltrustyou!
2. Речевая зарядка/слайд.
Look at my detective screen very attentively. Wise people say:
“If the success is in a person, he must feel its smell which is not always sweet!
Do you understand the meaning of these words? (Говорят). So let’s research after the success! Help me, please! There are some documents on your desks. Take the first of them!
To reach the goals –добиватьсяцелей
Tohangout – слоняться без дела
To achieve the aim – достигатьцели
To be an unfortunate – бытьнеудачником
To be responsible – бытьответственным
To forget the promises – забыватьобещания
To get a success – добиватьсяуспеха
to be a show-off – бытьвыскочкой
To work hard– трудиться
Tobelazy – быть ленивым, tobeshy – быть стеснительным
To feel the fortune – чувствоватьудачу
To miss classes – пропускать занятия
To be clever – бытьумным
To be silly – бытьглупым
Sweet, bitter, pleasant smell of success – сладкий, горький, приятныйзапахуспеха
An absence of success – отсутствиеуспеха
A hardship - трудность
To relax – расслабляться
You have different expressions. Look at the blackboard; I am going to make an experiment! What you must do to get a success, and to fail it? Divideyourexpressionsintotwogroups! (Слайд «успех» «провал») Выходят к доске и крепят свои выражения в две колонки.Super! My experiment is successful, Oh, I have said successful! We are so close to find the lost success! I think that it can live in you, help me, to find it, please! I propose you to speak about your future! Use the sentences of a real condition. Remember! These sentences begin from if+ present simple+ will V1. Example: (опора)
If I am a successful person I will work hard.
If I am false and lazy I will not have a success in my future profession.Fantastically, your future will be successful, but I need to find a real success, so, the second experiment! Prepare your noses! Let’s try to smell it! It is a pyramid of studying English (слайд) in three levels. First level is the beginning of the success (you don’t understand English, but you want to know it very much), second is in the middle (you understand English, but it’s difficult for you to speak), the third is the top (you can read, translate, speak, understand the language). Try to smell all levels of success in English!
Опора: As for me, the first (second, third) level of getting success in English has a (sweet smell, bitter smell, a smell of hardship, a smell of textbooks, a smell of tears, a smell of the fruits, a smell of the happiness, a smell of disgust), because…
Thank you! You are successful children. All of you has your own success in English! Let’s play the game! Now I’ll read the poems and you should put the missing words. Choose them yourself! And then we check up.
Are you ready? Start!
If he cannot do, but did, If he runs as fast he can,
He cries but often cheers, He gets the inspiration,
We can say that his success We can say, that his success
Has the smell of…(tears) Smells as ….(perspiration)
If he fights so well, he’s strong,
He is handsome as VanDamme
His success is not along,
It has a smell of … (bubble gum)
A good job, thank you!
And now I propose you to listen to a little story about one guy. Listen to it very attentively and answer my question: What was the smell of his success? Try to explain your opinion.
Sam was not a handsome and attractive guy; he looked like a big monkey: big eyes and big ears. The pupils of his class were not friendly but they were clever and hardworking. They took part in different school activities with great pleasure, but Sam was always better than them. He was the best at all the school subjects; he reached all his goals and achieved all the aims. He did all the tasks brilliantly so, he was proud of himself. All his school life was a great success, except one simple thing:his classmates hated him so much as they can, and they wanted him to leave this school as they thought that the guys with such faces can’t be successful.
Опора:His success has the smell of… because
Does it depend on his face?
Now I propose you a little task. You will see two different faces, and you must guess “Are they successful or not?”
Give me 5 arguments which prove your opinions.
На экране два человека. Учащиеся по внешним данным выделяют 5 признаков того, успешны ли они или нет. После учитель рассказывает кто эти люди и кто из них успешный человек, а кто нет.
Завершающий этап урока. Подведение итогов.(5 минут)
Today we tried to understand what the success is, what kind of smell it has.
I’m pleased with your work. You helped me to find a success, now I know that the success is in every person, each of you is successful, and every success has it’s own smell. All depends on your character.
Your home task is: write an article to the magazine:
1.How to be a successful person?
2.What is a smell of a real success?
3.Write the advice to the teenagers how to achieve the goal.
To finish the lesson I have chosen the words of Albert Einstein:
“Try not to become a person of success, even it has a fantastically smell, but rather try to become a man of value!” Keep these words in your mind every second, and you will be the most happy and successful persons in the world!
…I like studying English and I plan to go abroad after school.
…My English is not well, that’s why I have no the desire to learn it. Russian is better.
…I hate English, because It seems to me useless and ineffective. Computers are my goals in future!
…English gives me so many ways to communicate with foreigners, so I want to be connected with all my spare time!
….I don’t understand the rules of it, it is impossible for me to learn it.