Размещено: Ольга Евгеньевна Андриянова - чт, 25/11/2010 - 19:21
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент.
Good morning! I`m glad to see you! I congratulate you with the School Start. Good luck! We are going to have three lessons a week.
Речеваязарядка. Answer the questions.
1)Were you happy in summer? ( ) 2)What was interesting? ( ) 3)Are you quite happy to be back at school? ( ) Why? ( ) 4)Are you glad to see your classmates? ( ) 5)What was the weather like in summer? ( )
2.Развитие лексического словаря учащихся.
-Pupils, what are your associations with the word country? ( )
river sights weather
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government -country- transport
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museums capital towns, cities …
-Now, try to explane the meanings of these words into English, please.
For example, weather is the rain, snow, wind, sunshine, and temperature at a particular time or place. ( )
3.Развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи.
The theme of our lesson is “What do you know about G.B.?” Let’s remember the information about this country and know the new facts about it.
1)What is the official name of G.B.? ( ) G.B. is used instead of “the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland” in everyday speech.
2)What is the UK? ( )
3)Where is it situated? ( )
4)The British Isles consist of two large islands and a number of small ones. What are the large called? ( )
5)How many parts are there in the UK? Name and point them on the map, please.( )
6) Name their capitals, please. ( )
7) What are their symbols? ( )
8) What is the population of the UK? ( )
8) What do you remember about sightseeng of G.B.? ( )
9)What is a flag? ( )
4.Развитие навыков аудирования.
-Let’s see the fragment from the film about the UK and then do the test.
(Учащиеся смотрят фрагмент фильма о Великобритании).
5.Развитие навыков письменной речи.
Let’s do the test “Great Britain”. You should choose the right answer.
1.The Union Jack is .. a)a person b)a building in Londonc)the flag of the UK
2.The head of the State in Britain is … a)the Prime Ministerb)the Queen c)the President
3.The British Prime Minister lives at … a)12 Whitehallb)10 Downing Street c)15 Oxford Street
4.The official residence of Queen Elizabeth II is …a)Westminster Abbeyb)Buckingham Palace c)the Tower of London
5.Britain’s population is more than … million people. a)56 b)560 c)7
6.G.B. is separated from the continent by … a)the Irish Sea b)the Bristol Channelc)the English Channel
7…. is famous for its university. a)Stratford-upon-Avon b)Brightonc)Oxford
8.Which of these British is not a poet?a)Sir Christopher Wren b)W.Shakespeare c)R.Burns
9.A world-famous English footballer is … a)Ronaldob)David Beckham c)Paul McCartney
10.The author of “The Lord of the Rings” is … a)J.K.Rowling b)Alfred Hitchcockc)J.R.R.Tolkien
- Change your ex.books, take your pencils and let’s check up. Now count the points and put a mark.
(Учащиеся выполняют тест о Великобритании, затем взаимопроверка: учащиеся обмениваются тетрадями и с помощью учителя проверяют ответы.)
6.Развитие навыков чтения, умения работать со справочным материалом.
Open your books at page 6, please. Look at the pictures. All of them are the British symbols. Read the descriptions of the British symbols in ex.2 and match them with the pictures on page 6. If you don’t know the information about it, you will use the LCG in your book.
Symbols: a red rose, a daffodil, a thistle, a shamrock, whiskey, Ben Nevis, W.Shakespeare, Big Ben, Stonehenge, a football player, John Bull, Eisteddford festival.
7.Развитие навыков аудирования,умения передать услышанную информацию.
Now let’s listen to the information about the symbol of Scotland. At first, let’s study such words as
. The Norsemen (ancient Scandinavians) landed on the east coast of Scotland. The Scots assembled with their arms behind the river Tay. After a long march they had a rest in their camp. And the Norsemen decided to attack the Scots. They didn’t want to make any noise and took off their shoes. But suddenly one of the Norsemen stepped on a thistle and began to shriek. And the thistle became the national symbol.
-Let’s try to retell this information.( ) (Учащиеся рассказывают услышанную информацию)
8.Развитие навыков чтения с извлечением нужной информации.
-Ex.5 p.8-9. The teenage magazine “Current” asked its readers to give their opinions of Britain. Here are some of their replies. Scan the replies to find out if they mention any of the things you mentioned in ex.4. What other places, people and things are mentioned? ( )
Home task.You should finish ex.5 3),4),5).
Summary. What new information have you got from our lesson? ( )