Submitted by Юлия Борисовна Сусина on пн, 07/06/2010 - 16:18
Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия
Цель и задачи:развитие познавательных, артистических и творческих способностей обучающихся, интереса к предмету «английский язык», расширение общего кругозора, активизация коммуникативных умений и навыков по английскому языку.
На сцене сидят бабушка и внучка. Бабушка вяжет, внучка листает книгу. Звучит тихая музыка.
Внучка: Бабушка, а бабушка! Расскажи мне сказочку, а? Ну, пожалуйста! Что тебе стоит? Ты же этих сказок знаешь видимо-невидимо!
Бабушка: Вот тут ты ошибаешься, внученька. За эти семь лет я тебе все-все-все рассказала, что знала, а иные по нескольку раз.
Внучка: Неужели на свете сказок больше нет?
Бабушка: Может и есть, да мне они не ведомы.
Внучка: Бабулечка, а что если рассказывать старые сказки по-новому?
Бабушка: Это как же это, по-новому?
Внучка: Ну, например, старая русская сказка, а происходит в другой стране или далеком будущем.
Бабушка: Нет, такое только во сне присниться может. Давай-ка, внученька моя, не чуди, а ложись-ка спать, а я тебе, так уж и быть, колыбельную песенку спою.
Поет «Колыбельную» из кинофильма «Цирк» на английском языке.
Сон приходит на порог.
Крепко, крепко спи ты.
Сто путей, сто дорог
Для тебя открыты.
Sleep is knocking at your doors,
Let your sleep be sound.
You can choose any course,
Find the seas unfound.
Rhinos sleep as well as sheep,
Mommy sleeps and Daddy.
Everyone has to sleep
And your bed is ready.
Спи, сокровище мое,
Ты такой богатый.
Все твое, все твое,
Зори и закаты.
Спи, скорее, засыпай,
Моим сказкам ты внимай!
Смесь из сказок Fairy Tales
Или попросту Cocktail.
Три медведя, серый зайка,
Гуси, Емеля, балалайка.
Не прощаемся за сим
“See you later” – говорим.
Folk Tale Cocktail. FORM 7a
Father Bear
Mother Bear
Little Bear
2 Goslings
Звучит музыка. На сцену, осторожно, озираясь, входит Машенька.
Masha: What a wonderful house! Oh, milk! Bread! I`m so hungry!
Пробует еду из разных кружек.
Masha: What a nice bed! I`m tired…
Устало потягиваясь, зевая, укладывается в кровать. Входят медведи. Идут ужинать к столу и …
Father Bear: My cup is empty.
Mother Bear: My cup is empty too.
Little Bear: Andmy cup is empty. I`m hungry.
Father Bear: Stop crying! Look! Who is it?
Mother Bear: A little girl, I think.
Little Bear: Let`s eat her up!
Father Bear: Sh… no, sonny. She is so beautiful. You can play with her.
Little Bear: Play? Hm… good idea. Hey! Wake up!
Masha: Oh,who are you?
All: We!!?? We are the 3 bears, and who are you?
Masha: I`m Masha.
Little Bear: Masha, can you play with a ball?
Masha: Ball? I can.
Father Bear: Good girl! Let`s have some milk! Come on, kids.
Слышен из-за кулис зов Бабули. Появляются гуси и бабуся.
Весело прыгая появляется Зайка.
Hare: Oh, What a nice house! Hi, everybody! May I come in?
Bears: Yes, you may.
Granny: Come in, Hare!
Появляется Емеля.
Yemelya: Hey, fish! Give me my wish!
Fish: Yes, sir. What would you like?
Yemelya: I need friends. I`m so lonely…
Fish: I can do it. Close your eyes! 1,2,3! Open your eyes!
Открыв глаза Емеля увидел домик, полный гостей весело его приветствующих.
Yemelya: Oh, hello, friends!
All: Hello, Yemelya! How are you?
Yemelya: I`m fine now.
All: Come in then.
Емеля поет песню, и весь сказочный народ танцует вместе с ним, разделяя его радость.
Yemelya: 1,2,3,4,5, once I caught a fish alive.
6,7,8,9,10, then I let it go again.
Все весело поют. На последних словах удаляются со сцены. Появляется Бабушка.
Бабушка: А теперь сказка «Репка».
В ней все те же бабка, дедка
Мы историю расскажем
И наглядно вам покажем.
Эта сказка very nice!
Только лучшее для вас!
Russian Folk Tale “The Turnip”. FORM 5a
Grandad: I`mgrandfather as you know.
I like vegetables and so.
I plant a turnip soon to grow.
And what will happen we will show.
Leader: He takes a spade.
The green-bed he made
A turnip he plants
And does it at once.
Turnip: I am a turnip, you see,
I`ve grown so big… Mercy.
Leader: The grandfather is pulling
The turnip with all his might
But can do nothing
At first sight.
He calls Granny.
His wife, not any.
Grandad: Granny, come and help me, please.
Granny: I am Granny so smart.
I work all day, I work so hard.
I work and work from morning till night.
I work and work with all my might.
Grandad: Look here! (указывая на репку)
Granny: Wow!
Grandad: Let`s pull it!
Granny: How?
Grandad: I am pulling the turnip.
Granny: I am pulling granddad.
Together: We can do nothing! It`s sad!
Leader: They pull and pull.
They do their best.
They can do nothing.
So have a rest.
Granny: Granddaughter, come and help me, please.
Granddaughter: I`m granddaughter.
I don`t like sweeping.
I`m fond of sweets.
And I like sleeping.
Grandad: Let`s pull it!
Granddaughter: How?
Grandad: I am pulling the turnip.
Granny: I am pulling granddad.
Granddaughter: I am pulling Granny.
Together: We can do nothing! It`s sad!
Leader: They pull and pull.
They do their best.
They can do nothing.
So have a rest.
Granddaughter: Zhuchka, come and help me, please.
Zhuchka: I am a kind doggy Zhuchka,
I like to chase Mercedes car,
I like bones and music playing.
I see my friends and they are waving.
Grandad: Let`s pull it!
Zhuchka: How?
Grandad: I am pulling the turnip.
Granny: I am pulling granddad.
Granddaughter: I am pulling Granny.
Zhuchka: I am pulling granddaughter.
Together: We can do nothing! It`s sad!
Leader: They pull and pull.
They do their best.
They can do nothing.
So have a rest.
Zhuchka: Cat, come and help me, please.
Cat: I am a thin and cruel cat.
I catch mice and even a bat.
I like to drink my milk a lot.
I can drink everything you`ve got.
Grandad: Let`s pull it!
Cat: How?
Grandad: I am pulling the turnip.
Granny: I am pulling granddad.
Granddaughter: I am pulling Granny.
Zhuchka: I am pulling granddaughter.
Cat: I am pulling Zhuchka.
Together: We can do nothing! It`s sad!
Leader: They pull and pull.
They do their best.
They can do nothing.
So have a rest.
Cat: Mouse, come and help me, please.
Mouse: I should say it`s waste of time
Are you as keen on sport as I`m?
If you want a turnip tame
Let us play a new sport game.
Leader: They are all in a line you see.
You can play as well as we.
Mouse: “Hands up, hands down…”(проводит зарядку)
Now it`s time for us to pull
I`m pulling Cat.
Cat: I am pulling Zhuchka.
Zhuchka: I am pulling granddaughter.
Granddaughter: I am pulling Granny.
Granny: I am pulling granddad.
Grandad: I am pulling the turnip.
Leader: They pull and pull.
They do their best.
They get the turnip
Hurray! They rest.
Поют песню “The more we are together”.
Бабушка: Little, little elephant
Несомненный он талант
Очень был он любопытен
Родом он был from Great Britain.
Сценарий спектакля “Слоненок”
Baby Elephant
Grizzly Bear
Gold Fish
Storyteller :Long long ago there was a big forest. Many different animals lived in that forest and they all were very good friends. Выходитслон.
Baby Elephant:Hi! I am Baby Elephant.
Grizzly Bear:I am Grizzly Bear.
If you ever ever ever meet a grizzly bear
You must never never never ask him
Where he is going.
Or what he is doing.
For if you ever ever dare
To stop a grizzly bear
You will never never never
Meet another grizzly bear!
Giraffe:My name is Geraldine Giraffe
The longest ever woolly scarf
Was worn by Geraldine Giraffe
Around her neck the scarf she wound
But still it trailed upon the ground.
Butterfly:Everyone likes me!
Do you know why?
Because I’m a beautiful butterfly.
Gold Fish:I am a little Gold Fish,
I haven’t any toes.
I swim around without a sound
And bump my hungry nose.
Dog:The dogs I know
Have many shapes
For some are big and tall,
And some are long.
And some are thin,
And some are fat and small
And some are little bits of fluff
And have no shape at all.
Storyteller:The animals were strong and happy because their habitat was clean and besides every morning they did exercises.
Animals, get ready!
Чудо-остров, Чудо-остров.
Жить на нем легко и просто.
Жить на нем легко и просто.
Наше счастье постоянно –
Жуй кокосы, ешь бананы.
Жуй кокосы, ешь бананы,
Choonga-Chunga, blue the Sky around
Choonga-Chunga, Summer year round.
Choonga-Chunga, we are very strong.
Choonga-Chunga, it’s a merry song.
Wonder-island, Wonder-island
Co’ nuts can here ripen,
Co’ nuts can here ripen,
We are happy all the time,
Eat bananas they are prime,
Eat bananas they are prime,
Storyteller:The animals also liked to travel. (Животныеидут«гуськом»). Among the animals there was Baby Elephant. He had a little black nose. Baby Elephant was very funny. He wanted to know everything. He asked so many questions that all his family and friends were angry with him. Every morning his first question was, “How’s the weather?”.
One morning Baby Elephant wanted to know what the crocodile had for dinner.
Elephant:Dear aunt, what does the Crocodile have for dinner? Giraffe:Go away! I have no time to talk to you! Elephant:Dear uncle, what does the Crocodile eat for dinner? Bear: Go away! I have no time to talk to you. Elephant:Dear cousin, what does the Crocodile have for dinner? Dog:Go away! I have no time to talk to you. Fish:If you want to know what the Crocodile has for dinner, go to the grey-green Limpopo River and ask the Crocodile. Elephant:Thank you very much. I will go there. Animals:We will go with you.
Дети перешли на другую часть сцены и “сели на полянке” (на сцене).
Elephant(подходиткреке): Does the crocodile live in the river? Crocodile:The crocodile’s smile is wide
Enough to stuff a pig inside.
But did you know that alligators
Sometimes swallow second graders?
If you want to see the Crocodile, there he is.
Elephant:Good Morning, Sir! Are you the Crocodile? Crocodile:Yes, I am the Crocodile, and what do you want? Elephant:Please, tell me what you have for dinner? Crocodile:Come here, Little One!I can show you.
Слон подходит к крокодилу и тот хватает его за нос.
Crocodile:I think today I’ll have a baby Elephant for dinner. Elephant:Let me go! Don’t eat me! Help, help! Animals:We will help you. (Тянутслонацепочкой.) One, two, three.
Elephant:Thank you, friends. Look, my nose is long. I like it. Bear:Baby Elephant, don’t poke your long nose into the Limpopo River or you will have problems.
Storyteller:Children, now you know why elephants have long noses.
Бабушка: Сказку я вам покажу,
Но названия не скажу.
Лишь немного намекну:
Насекомых целый рой
Mosquito главный в ней герой.
Fairy Tale “Buzzy-Wuzzy Busy Fly”. FORM 5б
Buzzy-Wuzzy Busy Fly,
Yellow belly, beady eye
Buzzy-Wuzzy ran around,
Buzzy-Wuzzy found a pound
Off she went to the bazaar
And she bought a samovaar.
Come and meet me, bugs and roaches!
I invite you all to tea.
Roaches gathered without number,
Emptied tumbler after tumbler.
And the bugs too, honest hearts,
Each three cups with milk and tarts.
Then a jolly flock of fleas
Brought her boots - 'Do wear them, please'
And no common boots were they
With gold buckles, bright and gay.
Then to Buzzy-Wuzzy
Came kind old Granny Bee
With a jar of honey
That goes nice with tea.
Butterfly, here`s pastry!
Darling, try some jam.
Oh, I find it tasty
How glad I am.
Suddenly a big old spider
Sidled up and sat beside her.
Buzzy-Wuzzy set to kill
Buzzy-Wuzzy's blood to spill.
Help me help me dear guests!
Slay him, the detested pest!
For I treated you,
And I greeted you.
Don`t leave me now
At my fatal hour!
But the beetles and the bugs
Getting scared to death
Under saucers, cups and mugs
Huddled, out of breath.
...under couches
crouched the roaches
Bugs, poor creatures,
hid in pitchers
Beetles huddled under beds
Noone wished to lose their heads
Noone at the party
Budges from the spot
Noone cares if Buzzy
Perishes or not.
And the grasshopper, non-stop
Leaped across the table top:
Out of the house
Hid in a bush
Quiet as a mouse!
Suddenly with twists and turns
A Mosquito comes.
In his hand a lantern burns,
Threatening he hums:
Now the villain's dead and perished.
Now I freed the one I cherished.
I'll be happy as can be
If you come and marry me!
Поют песню “Insects` song”
Every spring we dance and sing,
We say hello to everything,
And the bluebells gaily ring
Just beneath the wing.
And in summer high we fly,
We welcome clouds in the sky,
And the bluebells softly sigh
As we pass swiftly by.
When the autumn rains weep
We don`t fly, only creep
Deep into a leafy heap
Then we go to sleep.
And in winter forests rest,
Icy winds blow from the west,
Snow covers every crest,
Jack Frost is our guest.
Then we wake again in spring
Happy to welcome everything,
Trees and flowers gently sing
Just beneath the wing.
Fairy Tale “The Yellow Dwarf” FORM 7б
(Romantic Story)
На сцену выходят двое ведущих.
Narrator 1: Honored guests! Narrator 2: Ladies and gentlemen! Narrator 1: Today you will see the French tale. Narrator 2: It is called “The Yellow Dwarf”. Narrator 1: This story is Narrator 2: Love and marriage. Together: Love and marriage,
Love and marriage
Go together like a horse and a carriage. Narrator 1: So... Narrator 2: So... Together: Welcome! Welcome!
ЗвучитменуэтГенделя. Занавес открывается. Все персонажи застыли в живописных позах. Выходитдворецкий.
Butler: Everybody’s dancing!
Princess, oh, Princess,
You are beautiful and kind.
Princess, oh, Princess,
We sing all night.
Princess, oh, Princess,
You are beautiful and kind.
Queen: Our daughter is really beautiful! King: Oh, yes! Queen: She is sixteen today. King: Oh, yes! Queen: It’s time to marry. King: Oh, yes! Queen: But she doesn’t have even a boyfriend. King: Oh, yes! Queen: Stop saying “Oh, yes”! You are a King, aren’t you? King: Oh, yes! Queen: So... King: Oh... Criers! Criers! C.1 & C.2: Here we are! At your service, sir! King: Go and find a groom for our Princess! C.1 & C.2: Yes, your majesty!
Сцена затемняется. Гости расходятся. На авансцене остаются глашатаи. Звучит горн.
C.1: The King’s giving a ball! С.2: The King’s giving a ball! C.1: All the men, C.2: nobles and fashionable, C.1: young and rich, C.1.& C.2: Welcome to the ball!!!
Сцена освещена. В центре сидит принцесса. Справа и слева от нее – король и королева. На сцене также несколько придворных. Дворецкий объявляет претендентов на роль жениха, которые последовательно появляются под соответствующую музыку.
Butler: Mr. Parrot! Parrot: I’m Mr. Parrot! I’m the best groom in the world! I’m handsome, I can talk. I!
King & Queen: Thank you, sir! How about him? Princess: Goodbye, Mr. Parrot! Butler: Mr. Sweetmeat! Sweetmeat: I’m the best groom in the world! I’m fat, I’m big. I everything!
King & Queen: Thank you, sir! How about him? Princess:Goodbye, Mr. Sweetmeat! Butler: Mr. Stone-man! Stone-man: I’m the best groom in the world! I’m strong, I’m tall. I can...I can... King & Queen: Thank you, sir! How about him? Princess: Goodbye, Mr. Stone-man! Stone-man: I’ll be back!
Женихи расходятся.
King: I’m cross! You like nobody! Princess: I…I…I don’t want much, I just want more. King: Look here! The first man entering the room will be your husband!! Princess: But… Daddy! No! King: Yes, my dear!
Звучиттревожнаямузыка. Все напряженно смотрят на дверь. Вдруг, дверь со скрипом открывается и...входит кошка. Всеоблегченновздыхают: “Oh, my!” “Oh, dear!” “Oh, my God!” “Thanks God!” Но через мгновенье дверь вновь открывается и входит Желтый Карлик. Принцессападаетвобморок.
Queen: My poor child! King: This is your husband! Come here, please! Sir, what’s your name? Yellow Dwarf: I’m Yellow Dwarf. King: Take her hand and…be happy! Queen: Be happy my dear...
На сцене остались двое: принцесса и Желтый Карлик. Принцесса вырывает свою руку и отворачивается.
Yellow Dwarf: I’m ugly, I know... Princess: N... No... Yellow Dwarf: Ugly, very ugly. Nobody loves me. Princess: Don’t cry! Please... You’re not ugly and…and I love you. Yellow Dwarf: Is it true? Princess: Yes!
Уродецпревращаетсявпрекрасногопринца! ЗвучитпеснявисполненииЭлтонаДжона, изм/ф“КорольЛев” “Can You Feel Their Love Tonight”. Принцесса и Принц поднимаются по лесенке в светящееся сердце. На сцену выходят все участники спектакля.
Butler: They lived happily ever after!
Everybody’s dancing!
Princess, oh, Princess,
You are beautiful and kind.
Princess, oh, Princess,
We sing all night.
Princess, oh, Princess,
You are beautiful and kind.
Всетанцуютвтемнотесгорящимиогоньками. В конце танца все замирают в тех же позах, что и в начале. Занавес закрывается. Затем все выходят на поклон и поют финальную песню.