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Комплект тестов к текстам для аудирования к учебнику английского языка для V класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей под редакцией И.В.Верещагиной, О.В.Афанасьевой.

Submitted by Светлана Михайловна Алдаева on Tue, 24/08/2010 - 22:02


Комплект тестов к текстам для аудирования к учебнику английского языка для V класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей под редакцией                  И.В.Верещагиной, О.В.Афанасьевой.
Автор: Алдаева С.М.
                                                               Пояснительная записка
Данный комплект тестов представляет собой учебный материал проверочного и обучающего характера и разработан с целью развития и контроля навыков аудирования. Они разработаны на основе изучаемого лексико-грамматического материала и могут быть использованы для постепенной систематической подготовки обучающихся cредней ступени обучения к выполнению заданий по аудированию в формате ГИА и ЕГЭ. УМК состоит из 20 тестов к текстам звукового пособия для каждого урока. Все тесты снабжены ключами. В комплекте представлены следующие типы заданий:
1.       Matching (на соответствие)
2.       Fill in the gaps (заполнение пропусков)
3.       Multiple choice (множественный выбор)
4.       True/False (верно/неверно)
5.       Complete the sentences (закончить предложения)
6.       Put the sentences in the right order (расположить предложения в правильном порядке)
В результате работы с данным комплектом тестов для аудирования ожидается успешное освоение новых для обучающихся форматов и приобретение необходимых навыков для сдачи государственных и международных экзаменов. Настоящий УМК апробирован в 5-х  классах МОУ «Лицей математики и информатики» г. Саратова и дал положительные результаты.                                                                                                                        Этот учебно-методический комплект можно использовать как самостоятельно, так и в дополнение к заданиям учебника.
Lesson1. No 6*. Listen to the text “Tom’s Dream” and complete the sentences:
1.       Tom Brown was … years old.
2.       He lived in … Square.
3.       Tom lived in the … of England.
4.       Tom’s mother was a … .
5.        He was with a funny … and a kind … .
6.       He was short and he wasn’t … .
7.       His mother was about … .
8.       After breakfast they were going to the … .
9.       Tom loved wild … .
10.   His mother was in his … too.
Keys: 1) 6, 2) Green, 3) South, 4) secretary, 5)face, smile, 6)tall, 7) 30, 8) Zoo, 9) animals, 10) dream.
*Номер тестового задания соответствует номеру текста для аудирования аудиокурса к учебнику по английскому языку для 5 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей под редакцией И.В.Верещагиной, О.В.Афанасьевой, 20 г.
Lesson2. No 10. Listen to the text “It Is Important to Know a Foreign Language” and fill in the gaps:
1.       A … mother cat and her … little kittens live in a house.
2.       The house is … and … .
3.       They sleep on a warm … carpet.
4.       The carpet is in the … of the room.
5.       They have breakfast in the … .
6.        They usually have milk and … for breakfast.
7.       After breakfast they go to the Cat’s … school.
8.       They are a bit … though they are rather … .
9.       They don’t like many school … .
10.   The cat taught them how important it is to know a … language.
Keys: 1) wise, 2, 2) old, grey, 3) comfortable, 4) middle, 5) kitchen, 6) porridge, 7) primary, 8) lazy,clever, 9) subjects, 10) foreign.
Lesson3. No 15. Listen to the text “The British Museum” and say if the statements are true or false.
1.       For many people who come to London it is a city of history and industry.
2.       There are many museums, galleries and historic buildings there.
3.       When people come to London they certainly go to the British Museum.
4.       It is in Bloomsbury Square.
5.       It is the biggest museum in the world.
6.       There are a lot of beautiful collections in it.
7.       Many things come to the museum from Rome.
8.       There are many coins, paintings and sculptures in the Manuscript Room.
9.       The British Museum is famous for its library.
10.   There are more than 7 million books in it.
11.   The reading Room of the library is square in shape.
12.   Many great people worked in it.
Keys: true- 2, 3, 6, 9, 12; false- 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11.
Lesson 4. No 20. Listen to the text “Denis Cook Is Travelling”, read the beginning of the sentence and find the end of it in the second column.
1.       There is often a queue…                             a) … on business.
2.       English people are usually polite…          b) ...his passport.
3.       He looks through…                                        c) … money and a plane ticket.
4.       Denis Cook often travels …                        d) … in the kitchen, in the living room, in the bedroom.
5.       He can’t see …                                                 e) … his things and papers.
6.       He has got his …                                              f) … at the check-in.
7.        He looks for his passport …                       g) … in queues.
8.       He is going …                                                    h) … in the bedroom.
9.       He finds his passport …                                               i) … a taxi to go to the airport.
10.   He takes …                                                        j) …to the airport.
Keys: 1) f, 2) g, 3) e, 4) a, 5) b, 6) c, 7) d, 8) j, 9) h, 10) i.
Lesson5. No 23. Listen to the text ”Blue Jeans” and choose the right variant:
1)      Levi Strauss came to America from …
    a) France                        b) Germany                       c) Greece
        2)    In … he arrived in San Francisco.
    a)1850                             b) 1815                                c)1950
        3) There were many people in California in those days because …
                  a) they needed strong trousers             b) they wanted to spend much time in the water
                                                               c) they wanted to find gold
       4) Levi Strauss decided to make … of his strong material.
                    a) special trousers      b) tents                                               c) special shorts
       5) He sold his jeans … .
                    a) in 2 days                     b) in one day                     c) in one week
       6) His jeans became dirty very easily because they had …
                    a) light colour                b) white colour               c) no colour
       7) So Strauss decided to colour them …
                    a) black                            b) blue                                 c) brown
       8) Now people all over the world like to wear jeans because they are …
                    a) beautiful                    b) cheap                             c) practical
Keys: 1) b, 2) a, 3) c, 4) a, 5) b, 6) c, 7) b, 8) c.
Lesson6. No 27. Listen to the text “Things Used to Be Different Many Years Ago” and set the right word:
1)      Her name is Mary Baker. She is a … .
2)      She has written … books in the past … years.
3)      When she was a girl she used to write poems and … stories.
4)      She wrote about birds and … .
5)      When she got married she started her work at the … in London.
6)      She used to be a … at the women’s hospital.
7)      Now she has a quiet life in a small … in the country.
8)      Now she prefers to write her … book.
9)      She has always been … about the past.
10)   Life used to be really … in those times.
Keys: 1) writer, 2) 10, 15, 3) short, 4) animals, 5) hospital, 6) nurse, 7) village, 8) history, 9) curious,        10) different.
Lesson7. No 30. Listen to the text “A Quickly-minded Explorer” and choose the right variant:
1.       One night … was on a fire.
a)      a building                    b) a hotel                            c) the centre of the city
2.       The people who were inside … out of the building.
a)      ran                                              b) came                               c) moved
3.       One of the men was … in empty rooms.
a)       reading a book        b) sitting in the arm-chair       c) looking for money
4.       The man … the money that he could find.
a)      didn’t think about    b) took                             c) burnt
5.       He was going to use it for …
a)      visiting other countries       b) publishing a new story            c) explorations
6.       The man who was listening to the first one was …
a)      a writer                       b) an explorer                 c) a policeman
7.       The first man always told the stories about …                 
a)      the fires                     b) unreal things                               c) the panic during catastrophes
Keys: 1) b, 2) a, 3) c, 4) b, 5) a, 6) c, 7) b.
Lesson8. No 34. Listen to the text “The Day I Came Face to Face with a Tiger” and fill in the gaps:
1)      Last year Tony Russel went to Nepal for … months.
2)      He worked in a … .
3)      It was situated … in the mountains.
4)      The air was always … there.
5)      A small lake which was not very … was not far from the place he worked.
6)      It is sometimes … to travel around Nepal.
7)      He decided to go into the … with his friend Kamal Rai.
8)      Kamal was fond of travelling … the mountains.
9)      They left their camp with two … .
10)   They were wearing shoes and trousers to … them from the snakes.
11)   They were trying to find big cats, … tigers.
12)   They like to sleep in the daytime, … in the grass.
13)   Then … they saw a tiger rather far.
14)   They came nearer and saw a dead … in the grass.
Keys: 1) 3, 2) hospital, 3) high, 4) fresh, 5) deep, 6) dangerous, 7) jungle, 8) among, 9) elephants,             10) protect, 11) especially, 12) hiding, 13) suddenly, 14) sheep
Lesson9. No 37. Listen to the text “Two trips” and say if they are true or false:
1)      George Brown was rich.
2)      He was young.
3)      He was too busy to travel.
4)      But he loved nature very much.
5)      When George was 35 he bought a big plane.
6)      He couldn’t do any tricks in the air yet.
7)      George had a friend Mark.
8)      George wanted him to do tricks in his plane.
9)      Mark travelled in a big plane many times.
10)   They went up and Mark did all kinds of tricks in the air.
11)   When they came down Mark was sad to be back.
12)   He thanked George for two trips.
13)   Mark wanted to make a trip in George’s plane again.
Keys: true- 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 12;  false- 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13.
Lesson10. No 40. Listen to the text “Bobby’s Answer”, read the beginning of the sentence and find the end of it:
1.       Mr. and Mrs. Davis have …                                        a) … a toy train.
2.       Bobby had his birthday …                                           b) …last Tuesday.
3.       Bobby’s grandfather came to visit him …             c) … a few days ago.
4.       He forgot Bobby’s birthday …                                   d) …last Sunday.
5.       He brought Bobby …                                                    e) … a son.
6.       Bobby was …                                                                   f) …5 years old.
7.       Bobby liked …                                                                  g) … six.
8.       The next year Bobby was going to be …                              h) …his grandfather’s question.
9.       Bobby didn’t understand …                                       i) … grandfather’s present.
Keys: 1) e, 2) c, 3) d, 4) b, 5) a, 6) f, 7) i, 8) g, 9) h.
Lesson11. No 43. Listen to the text “I Hit Him Back First” and complete the sentences:
1.       Allen and Ted lived in a small … town.
2.       It was in the north of … .
3.       They lived in a house which … of 5 rooms.
4.       Alan was …, Ted was … .
5.       They went to the same … school.
6.       The brothers never felt … .
7.       The brothers were good boys but they were not … .
8.       They liked fighting but their mother was … it.
9.       She used to say that fighting was always a … of something bad.
10.   Ted was … when he saw that Alan was crying.
11.   Ted looked at his brother and asked him to listen to him … .
12.   “I hit him back, of course”, said Alan … .
Keys: 1) industrial, 2) Scotland, 3) consisted, 4) 7, 10, 5) primary, 6) lonely, 7) saints, 8) against, 9) a sign, 10) surprised, 11) carefully, 12) angrily.
Lesson12. No 46. Listen to the text “A Tragedy in the Air” and say if they are true or false:
1.       The plane flew from Europe to Africa.
2.       The flight began at 9 o’clock.
3.       Michael was a pilot.
4.       He likes to travel to Africa.
5.       The plane had 3 engines.
6.       All the engines of the plane were all right during the flight.
7.       Some passengers felt rather bad when they were flying over the British Channel.
8.       They were thinking about death.
9.       The captain informed the passengers about bad news in sport.
10.   Scotland won her last football match against England.
Keys: true- 1, 4, 8, 9, 10; false- 2, 3, 5, 6, 7.
Lesson13. No 49. Listen to the text “She Wanted to Show Off” and fill in the gaps:
1.       In the … century young ladies in Italy had poor … of history and … .
2.       They … ever read a book about America, about Christopher Columbus and his … .
3.       There was a … in the King’s palace.
4.       The lady … to a very rich family.
5.       She knew a lot of important and … people.
6.       She liked to talk to them though she … could understand the subject of their talk.
7.       The ministers, …, other important people knew her.
8.       They thought she was … clever, … bright.
9.       They talked to her because they didn’t want to … her.
10.   Though she was rather …, she was nice and … .
11.   One of the guests was late because he was … by his friend, a professor of history.
12.   He had a good … of humour.
Keys: 1) 18th, knowledge, geography; 2) hardly, discoveries; 3) ball, 4) belonged, 5) respectable,                            6) seldom, 7) lawyers, 8) neither, nor; 9) offend, 10) dull, pleasant; 11) delayed, 12) sense.
Lesson14. No 51. Listen to the text “Tim Takes Medicine” and do the tasks:
I.                    Choose the sentence according to the text:
1.       a) John has to stay in bed because he wants to sleep.
b) John has to stay in bed because he is ill.
      2. a) He has to take the medicine three times a day.
          b) He has to take the medicine two times a day.
      3. a) The boy wants to give the medicine to his cat because he doesn’t like medicine.
          b) The boy wants to give the medicine to his cat because Tim wants to drink it.
      4. a) John’s mother tells him to give Tim the medicine.
          b) John’s mother tells him to take a spoon of the medicine and try to sleep.
II. Write who does or did the following:
1.       has a terrible headache;
2.       told John to stay in bed;
3.       felt the boy’s pulse and listened to his lungs;
4.       doesn’t like the medicine;
5.       remembers the story about Tom Sawyer and his cat;
6.       likes medicine and begins to drink it;
7.       understands everything.
Keys: I. 1) b, 2) a, 3) a, 4) bII. John- 1, 4, 5; the doctor- 2, 3; the mother-7; the cat-6.
Lesson15. No 54. Listen to the text “The Doctor’s Advice" and choose the right variant:
1.       The doctor didn’t examine old gentleman’s …
a)      heart                            b) lungs                                               c) throat
2.       The doctor said that … would help him.
a)      a good rest                                b) medicine                       c) one cigar a day
3.       The doctor asked him to go …
a)      to the seaside          b) to the country             c) to the mountains
4.       The doctor advised the patient …
a)      not to walk much    b) to drink tea with honey          c) to go to bed early
5.       The gentleman came to see the              doctor …
a)      in a month                 b) in a week                      c) in half a year
6.       The gentleman looked  …
a)       happier                      b) younger                         c) recovered
7.       The gentleman shouldn’t …
a)      walk much                 b) smoke much                               c) drink much milk
8.       When the doctor advised the gentleman to smoke one cigar a day he meant that he should …
a) start smoking      b) stop smoking               c) smoke less
Keys: 1) c, 2) a, 3) b, 4) c, 5) a, 6) b, 7) b, 8) c.
Lesson16. No 57. Listen to the text “An Ill Turn” and put the sentences in the right order:
1.       He was an architect and used stale bread to take away pencil lines.
2.       One man often came to Miss Martha’s shop.
3.       Miss Martha was 40 and she was not married.
4.       He always bought stale bread.
5.       She sold fresh bread and stale bread.
6.       Miss Martha liked the man and wanted to help him.
7.       He couldn’t finish the plan for a new office because of the butter.
8.       She put some butter in the stale bread and gave it to the man.
9.       The man was not healthy because he coughed and his eyes were red.
10.   The next day the poor man came to the shop and he was very angry.
Keys: 3, 5, 2, 9, 4, 6, 8, 10, 1, 7.
Lesson17. No 59. Listen to the text “You’ve Won!” and do the tasks:
I.                    True, False or Don’t Know.
1.       An old gentleman liked the boys who lived near by.
2.       The boys played the guitar and sang nice songs.
3.       One day the old gentleman saw the boys standing around the small cat.
4.       They were having a competition for the cat.
5.       The old gentleman liked cats very much.
6.       He thought that was a good opportunity to win the cat.
7.       The gentleman said that he had never told a lie in his life.
8.       The boys believed him.
II.                  Complete the sentences:
1.       They played the guitar loudly and sang … songs.                                                                                          2. The old gentleman thought the boys had very bad … .                                                                                        3. They didn’t know the … between right and wrong.                                                                                    4. The old gentleman thought that was a good opportunity to give them a … lesson.
Keys: I. true- 3, 4, 7;  false- 1, 2, 6, 8; don’t know-5. II. 1. strange, 2. manners, 3. difference, 4. useful.
Lesson18. No 61. Listen to the text “An Excellent Student” and say if the statements are true or false.
1.       A teacher was asking Tom a lot of questions.
2.       Tom was an excellent student.
3.       The teacher asked him questions on geography and history of Great Britain and the USA.
4.       Tom answered all the questions.
5.       He looked happy.
6.       The teacher decided to ask him some very easy questions.
7.       Tom didn’t know the answers to these questions.
8.       The teacher got very angry.
9.       The last question was about the last president of the USA.
10.   The student understood the question and answered it.
Keys: true- 1, 3, 6, 7, 8;  false- 2, 4, 5, 9, 10.
Lesson19. No 63. Listen to the text “A Laconic Answer” and do the tasks:
Task1. True or False:
1.       The northern part of Greece was called Laconia.
2.       The Lacons were devoted to their Motherland.
3.       They liked to talk for hours.
4.       A short answer was called a laconic answer.
5.       King Philip was brave and clever.
6.       King Philip’s army was great and strong.
7.       King Philip didn’t get the answer from the Lacons.
Task 2. Complete the sentences:
1.       The Lacons loved their … .
2.       They … their country from all the enemies.
3.       They followed the … of their country.
4.       “The shorter, the … “, was their rule.
5.       In Northern … there was a land called Macedonia.
6.       King Philip … a great army.
7.       King Philip wanted to … the city of the Lacons. 
8.       The answer was: “…” .
Keys: Task 1: true- 2, 4, 6;  false- 1, 3, 5, 7.                                                                                                                                                  Task 2: 1. Motherland, 2. defend, 3. laws, 4. better, 5. Greece, 6. collected, 7. ruin, 8. if.
Lesson20. No 64. Listen to the text “Mrs Green or Mrs Brown” and say if Mrs Green or a shop assistant …
1.       … was 62.
2.       … lived in the country.
3.       … worked in a town.
4.       … went to a big supermarket.
5.       … began to smile.
6.       … said she had another last name.
7.       … didn’t think much how she was named.
8.       … said she was sorry.
9.       … came to the store every Saturday.
10.   … looked just like Mrs Green.
Keys: Mrs Green- 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10;  a shop assistant- 3, 4, 5, 8, 9.

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