Submitted by Тамара Алексеевна Карманова on Sat, 13/11/2010 - 08:01
Внеклассное мероприятие «Весёлое Рождество»
Цель: Познакомить учащихся с традиционным английским праздником «Рождество»
Задачи: Формировать интерес и уважение к иноязычной культуре, развивать творческие способности детей, поддерживать интерес к предмету «Иностранный язык».
Зал, где проводится праздник, украшен газетами, плакатами
с рождественской тематикой, гирляндами, стоят рождественские ели и другие рождественские атрибуты, на столах гостей и участников праздника поделки по рождественской тематики, изготовленные детьми. Звучит музыка
Ведущий: Good afternoon, dear friends! We are glad to see you; we are very pleased to greet you. Welcome to our Christmas Party!
Pupil 1: Every country has its traditions. They play a very important role in the life of the people.
The UK has a lot of traditions connected with holidays. One of them is Christmas. Christmas is a joyful religious holiday when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is associated with gift giving since the Wise Man brought gifts to welcome the birth Jesus Christ .To people all over the world; Christmas is a season of giving and receiving presents.
Pupil 2:Long ago each child hung a stocking or a sock over the fireplace. They believed that Santa Claus entered down the chimney and left candy and present inside the sock for them. Today the tradition is carried out, but the socks are now large red sock-shaped fabric bags still called stockings. Giving gifts is a Christmas tradition.
Pupil 3: Christmas is a happy holiday. Families come together to share their happiness, attend church and exange gifts .On Christmas Eve there are evenings church services which every one attends. Attention is focused on the nativity scene while all in singing carols. On Christmas Day there other religious ceremonies at churches which families attend
Pupil 4: Nowadays the English and the Americans prepare for Christmas weeks before. They buy gifts for the family and friends; they choose a fir tree and decorate it with toys and colored lights. They prepare special foods and cookies. Christmas is also the day, that Santa visits them and brings presents in bright paper and ribbons .He delivers them on Christmas Eve, the night before Christmas, when they are sleeping. How does he get into the house? He climbs down the chimney and leaves the presents under the Christmas tree .In the morning on the 26th of December they open the presents together and then go to church. This day is called Boxing Day.
Ведущий:There is a tradition in Britain to write Christmas cards to their friends usually containing message “Merry Christmas”
Стук в дверь. Входит учащийся в костюме почтальона с телеграммами от королевы Великобритании и рождественскими открытками для участников праздника, которые заранее приготовили учащиеся 6-9 классов.
Ведущий:Come in please!
Postman: Good afternoon! I am a postman! I have a Christmas telegram from the Queen of the UK and Christmas cards from the English children for you.
Ведущий:Thank you! Could you sit down and take part in our party, please
Postman: Thank you, I am delighted.
Ведущий зачитывает телеграмму.
“Dear children, teachers, guests.
I, the Queen of the UK, congratulate you with Christmas!
May Got look down and bless you as Christmas draws hear.
Ведущий: And what do you know about Christmas traditions?
Pupil 1:There is a tradition that young children write a letter to Santa Claus telling him what presents they would like for Christmas.
Ведущий:Have you ever heard about Christmas carols?
Pupil 6: I know. They are religious songs sung at Christmas. Groups of people and children sing carols both indoors and outdoors. They usually collect money for homeless and poor people.
Ведущий: And what do you know about Santa Claus?
Pupil 7 : Santa Claus is an imaginary old man in red clothes with white beard who brings present.
Стук в дверь, входит Санта Клаус.
Вед.: Welcome, Welcome Santa Claus! We are glad to meet you!
Dear Santa, sit down please, have a rest and listen to our poems, jokes, rhymes.
Учащиеся читают стихи, шутки, рифмовки по рождественской тематики
В заключении праздника звучит песня “HappyNewYear”, все участники поздравляют друг друга и получают сладкие призы.
1. О.Британии вкратце. Новая школа Москва 1997год.
2. Бабенко Т.С. Рождественский праздник. « Иностранные языки в школе» №8 2005год.
3.Мозаика №6 2003год, приложение к журналу « Иностранные языки в школе»