Тема урока: “Be Polite”
Образовательные цели:
1) Актуализировать слова, относящиеся к этикету;
2) Научить правильно использовать эти слова в устной речи
Развивающие цели:
1) Способствовать развитию интереса к предмету;
2) Развивать логическое мышление, память, творческую фантазию;
3) Развивать внимание при чтении текста
Воспитывающие цели:
1) Воспитать в учащихся уважительное, толерантное отношение к чужой культуре.
Практические задачи:
1) Актуализация навыков монологической речи;
2) Совершенствование навыков чтения;
3) Тренировка навыков диалогической речи.
Оборудование: Карточки с английскими звуками, учебник
Ход урока
Содержание работы
I. Организационно-мотивационный этап
- Good morning! Sit down, please.
- How are you today?
- Who is on duty? Who is absent today?
- What date is it today? What day is it today?
- Good. Thank you.
- Today we shall learn a new poem, read the story about Englishmen and learn the new word to be polite. O.k., let’s start our lesson.
II.Этап актуализации знаний
1. Фонетическая зарядка
- At first let’s practice the English sounds. I will show you the sounds and you will name the adjective (traits of people) with this sound.
[n] – responsible
[p] – polite
[r] – brave
[f] – friendly
[ai] - kind
[t] – creative
[v] – clever
[e] – independent
2. Речевая разминка
- Now we shall read a new poem. It is named “Be Polite”. Who wants to read it? Lera, will you?
Always try to be polite
Everything you do
Remember always to say “Please”
And don’t forget “Thank you”
III. Этап повторения
1. Совершенствование навыков чтения
- Say me please, is it important to be polite?
What polite words do you know?
- So, now we shall read the story about the Englishman and learn some words to be polite. Open your books, please, page 97, ex. 57.
- Nastya, will you read the task?... Read the text yourself and do the task. I give you 5 minutes
- Did you read the text? What is this text about? …
- I want you to look trough the text and read some sentences from the text to prove my ideas
o Mr. Tailor didn’t have lunch in the hotel.
o Mr. Tailor had an English friend.
o The name of a German wasn’t Mahlzeit.
o Mr. Tailor thought that the German had strange traditions.
o “Mahlzeit” is the German word for “good appetite”?
o The German thought that “Tailor” is the English word for “Mahlzeit”.
2. Активизация речевых клише по теме «Как вести себя за столом»
- Let’s read the table on page 97. Who wants to read?...
- Translate, please, these sentences.
- Let’s read all together.
3. Тренировка навыков диалогической речи
- It’s time to work in pairs. Look at the picture of the ex. 58, p. 97. You will work in groups of four or five and have a talk at the table.
- Start your work and in 5 minutes we shall listen to your dialogues.
Mother: - Dinner is ready. Sit down, please.
Father: - Good appetite!
Daughter: - Would you have a cup of tea?
Son: - Just a little, please.
Father: - The porridge is delicious.
Son: - I like it very much.
Daughter: - Will you pass me the salt?
Mother: - O.k. Would you like some more porridge?
Son: - Yes, please.
Father: - O.k., thank you
- Your time is up! Whose group will start? …
- Well done. Thank you.
IV. Подведение итогов урока
- You worked very well during the lesson. Thank you.
- Now say me, please, what did we do at this lesson?
- Did you like the lesson?
Домашнее задание
- At home do, please, ex. 15, p. 99; e/b – ex. 30-31, p. 45-46
- Thank you for the lesson. Good-bye