Submitted by Гульшат Рафисовна Хазиева on Fri, 25/03/2011 - 11:17
Ход урока
IОрганизационный момент.
T.Let's start our lesson. Hello,everybody.
2.Беседа о погоде.
T. What’s the weather like today?
3.Выполнение кроссворда.
T.I know that you like to solving crosswords. Would you like to solve one? The questions about the weather and seasons .You have 1-2 minutes to solve it and to define the key word of the lesson.
(Everybody gets a card with a crossword and questions)
What is the key word of our lesson? Environment. Today we’ll speak about environment.
IIФонетическая зарядка
T. Now , repeat after me, please.
[t] pollute, polluted
[w] we, water,we pollute,water is polluted
[r] reuse,is reused,reduce,is redused, is recycled
T. Shut your eyes and listen to the melodies of the nature.
T.You are bears. You are tigers. You are snakes. You are hares.
VВведение нового материала
Выполнение упражнения1 на странице 83
2)Отработка новой лексики
3)Чтение по группам
4)Работа по прочитанному.
Выполнение заданий из упр.1(2,3) стр.84 ;упр.2 стр.84
VIДомашнее задание : упр.3 стр.84
VII Итогиурока
T. I’m very glad to realize that the most of the class are worried about the problems concerning the environment .I’m sure that almost everybody takes care about the nature and animals and makes contribution to the protection of the environment. It’s time to finish our lesson.
Let’s summarise. Answer my questions, please.
1.What are the main problems of our land?
2.Who can help the planet?
3.Are you in charge of the planet?
T. In conclusion. I’d like to say that everybody should be responsible for his actions in order to make the world better. The Earth is our home. To hurt the Earth is to hurt yourself.