Место работы, должность:
Открытый урок английского языка в 3 классе по теме :
« My body and my appearance» поУМКМ. З. Биболетовой, Н.В. Добрыниной, Е.А. Ленской«Enjoy English-2»
Темаурока: My body and my appearance.
Цель: 1. Научить описывать внешность человека.
2. совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения
английским языком по теме :«Mybody» по всем видам речевой
деятельности: говорению, чтению и письму.
3. Обобщить лексический материал по теме : «Mybodyandmy
4.Развивать умения самостоятельной работы с компьютером .
-body -she is…
-hair -she has…
-eye -she lives…
Структура урока:
I.Начало урока.
2-3.Фонетико-речевая разминка.
II.Описание внешности.( обучение письму + МР)
III.Динамическая пауза.
V.Итог урок.
Ход урока:
1. Приветствие.
Good morning, children.
I am very glad to see you.
Sitdown, please.
2-3. Фонетическо-речевая зарядка.
Listen and repeat after me.
- Body
- Head
- Ear
- Arm
- Beard…(с видео опорами).
-Now children answer my questions:
- What date is it today?
- What day of the week is it today?
- Now let´s name the month….
- Let´s recite the poem about the seasons.
Well done.
- Today we are having an unusual lesson. Children, look at the blackboard, you can see a film and you can answer the questions: What shall we speak about?
( АПУ- ассимилятивно-проблемная установка) - Mybody. (презентация)
- well, today we shall speak about the body and I can add about appearance.
II. Look at the blackboard. You can see Cinderella. She is going to the Beauty Competition. She must make a story about herself. Let´s help her.
Презентация( описаниевнешности)
- Now, children open your exercise-books, write down the date.
- Answer the questions and write down the sentences, please.
- Snow White ( презентация) ( самостоятельносиспользованиемкомпьютера).
III. Динамическаяпауза.
- Head and shoulders, knees and toes….
-Now children, let´s play. I shall describe one of the persons in our class and you will guess: Who it is?
-that is a girl.
-she is a pretty girl.
- she has long hair.
- she has blue eyes…
IV. Now, children I shall give you a texts and we shall read about two little sisters and their dolls. Before the reading look at the blackboard and repeat after me.
-A pretty doll
-a pretty girl
-a new doll
- old and dirty
-My doll is old and dirty.-
- Take your pen and answer my question. Is it true or false?
V. Итогурока.
-Answer my question: What shall we speak about?
-Now open your work books, find ex.4, p13. It will be your homework.
Thank you. The lesson is over. Good bye, children.