- Вы уже можете рассказывать о погоде, о временах года, о связанных с ними видах спорта, информировать о других фактах. Какую цель урока следует нам поставить?
Цель (Aim): обобщить материал по теме “SeasonsandWeather” повторить слова и выражения, грамматические правила, сделав сообщения по теме.
Записать число, тему урока
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
Учащиеся фронтально выполняют задание
Они связаны с нашей темой.Seasons and Weather. Слайды 20-23
3.Говорение (speaking)
Слайд 24
1.Report “Season”
-You are works in pairs. We have 4 seasons in a year. Namethemall. (Работа в парах. Существует 4 времени года. Назовите их)
(Каждая пара получает иллюстрацию одного из сезонов)
-Look at the blackboard, please. There are three questions there. Readandtranslatethem.(посмотрите на доску пожалуйста. Перед вами три вопроса. Прочитайтеипереведитеих.
1) How many months are there in your season? What are they?
2) Why do you like your season?
3) What is your favorite month?
- Now you’ll have to make up a short report about your season using there questions as a plan. Write it down and then give a talk. Other pupil can ask you questions after your talk.
- I give 5-6 minutes.
- I’d like you to give a talk about your season.
You will read?
You can ask your questions to pair?Look at the blackboard. You may use the questions but you’ll have to translate them into English.
(Вопросы записаны на доске на русском языке) Слайд 25
•Сколько времён года в году?
•Сколько дней в Феврале?
•Какая погода летом?
•Какое время года сейчас?
•Какой месяц сейчас?
•Вам нравится весна? Почему? Почему нет?
Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn.
Составляют рассказ, отвечая на вопросы, записывая в тетрадь. Представитель каждой пары делает сообщение.
There are three months in winter: December, January and February. I like winter because it’s frosty, snowy and nice.
I can ski, skate and toboggan in winter.
-How many seasons are there in a year?
- How many days are there in (February)?
- What is the weather like in (summer)?
- What seasons it now?
- What month is it now?
- Do you like (spring)? Why? Why not?
- Who wants to the recite a poem?
Слайд 26
По желанию ученики рассказывают стихотворения
Clouds, wind and rain
You have brought again!
You have dressed the trees
In colorful leaves.
I don’t know why
You have stained the sky.
You have made all wet!
You have made me sad!
Summer time is
A time for play;
We are happy
All the day
The san is shining
All day long.
The trees are full
Of birds and song.
Spring is everywhere.
Flowers are in the garden,
Butterflies are there
Flying round the blossoms,
Spring is everywhere.
Winter, Winter, Winter!
The snow is falling,
The wind is blowing,
The ground is white,
All day and all night.
Spring, spring, spring!
The trees are green,
Bly skies are seen,
All the birds sing.
Winter fish sleep, sleep.
In the water deep, deep.
But in summer fish is merry,
Swimming, playing with friend Harry.
The sky in summer’s very blue.
In autumn it is grey.
The days are short.
The night are long.
And bird fly, fly away.
2. Weather Forecast.
- Finally, let’s make a weather forecast for your season. Try to predict the weather.
(Давайте сделаем прогноз погоды к каждому времени года)
- We’ll see if you are right or wrong.
(Словоseasonучитель выписывает на доску после словаtime.)
-I think spring will be warm, rainy and green.
-I think summer will be hot, sunny and bright.
-I think autumn will be cold, rainy and windy.
Relax (физминутка)
Слайд 27
IV. Аудирование
(по учебнику с.232 №9)
Listen to the stories and fill in the gaps
1)I like …….. It is my favourite ……I don’t go…….The weather is…… I can….The sun…… It never….. or …..The woods are…..
2)I like….. My birthday is in…….We celebrate…… in winter. Father Christmas…..me nice present. The ….is not……It is…… It …….A cold…….blows. The woods are……I sit……and…….
3)I like ……It is not very…….and not very…..It ……but it doesn’t……… School starts in ………and I meet my……The sun……., but it is not very…. The wind…….But it is very…..The woods are……They are ….and…….I go to the ……and look at the …….
Ученики слушают 2 раза тексты, вставляют слова, затем читаю тексты вслух.
1) I like summer. It is my favourite season. I don’t go school. The weather is fine. I can lie in the sun. The sun shines. It never rains or snows. The woods are green.
2)I like winter. My birthday is in winter..We celebrate New Year in winter. Father Christmas brings me nice present. The weather is not very good. It is cold. It rains. A cold wind blows. The woods are black. I sit at home and watch TV.
3) I like autumn. It is not very hot and not very cold. It rains but it doesn’t snow. School starts in September and I meet my friends. The sun shines, but it is not very hot. The wind blows. But it is very cold. The woods are magic. They are yellow and red. I go to the woods and look at the trees. .
V. The works in workbooksp. 39
Ex. 7W– учащиеся читают устно, выбирая правильные слова
Ex.8W– выполняют письменно, в тетради
Фронтальная проверка, обсуждение.
(для успевающих учеников дополнительно – кроссворд на карточках)
1)Обратите внимание на разницу в значении слов “time”, “tense”, которые мы на русский язык переводим словом “время”:time– время (по часам),season– время года,tense– грамматическое время.
2)Достигли ли мы поставленной цели?
Cлайд 28Please, listen song.
3)Your marks for today:
4)Homework:Ex.A,p.232 составить рассказ о любимом времени года