английский язык. 8 класс (внеклассное мероприятие)
Submitted by ольга владимировна шкурина on пн, 08/08/2011 - 11:10
Сценарий праздника-конкурса:
Класс украшен шарами и плакатами на тему праздника. На экране-символы праздника
(изображения сердца и купидона. Слайд №1)
Teacher(T): Love! Happiness! Beauty! There’s not so many days in a year when we pronounce these pleasant words. Today we have an excellent chance to plunge into the atmosphere of love and friendship, to take part in party games, to praсtice the use of some pleasant words and expressions on these special occasion.
Student(S): No one really knows the actual origin of St’Valentine’s Day .According to one story, St’Valentine was a priest who would marry young couples against the orders of the Roman Emperor, who believed that single young men made better soldiers .He was condemned to death and before his death on February 14 he sent his friends f farewell message signed “From your Valentine”.Some people think this is why we exchange friendly and caring messages on this day.
(на экране изображения священника и влюбленной пары.Слайды №2,3).
T: My dear friends, we are gathered together to celebrate St’Valentine”s Day. We’ve got 2 teams:”Cupids” and “Red diamond” and we ‘ll see which team knows more about the holiday.
(члены жюри-учителя английского языка, болельщики и зрители-учащиеся 8-х классов)
Before starting let’s listen to the poem “My Valentine” by M.C.Parsons
(стихотворение декламирует ученица данного класса, сделавшая его поэтический перевод. Звучит фоновая музыка, на экране изображение «валентинки». Слайд №4)
My Valentine
I have a little valentine Целый день лицо мое искрилось от улыбки,
That someone sent to me. Ведь сегодня получила тайную открытку.
It’spinkandwhite Обожатель предпочел остаться неизвестным,
Andredandblue Но подарок от него выглядел прелестно!
And pretty as can be. Нежно-розовая, вся из бархата
Forget-me-nots С бело-голубыми лепестками.
Areroundtheedge, По краям-незабудками украшена
And tiny roses, too; and Ибледно-резовымикружевами.
Such a lovely piece of lace, В самом центре Валентинки-
The very palest blue. Сердце красное пылает:
And in the centre «Лишь с тобою быть желаю!».
There’s the heart. (Алехнович Саша 8А класс)
As red as red can be!
And on it’s written
All in gold, “To you,
With love from me”
T: So, both teams are ready .Let’s begin with “warming up “.Please, name famous couples and you’ll get 1 point for each correct answer.
(команды получают сердечки, где написано имя одного из влюбленных, они должны назвать пару)
Juliet & Romeo
Eva & Adam etc.
T: Both teams were very good. The first competition is a bit more difficult. Here are 2 hearts. Your task is to find and circle hidden words in the big heart. You can see these words in the small heart. The first team to find all words wins.
(на экране-задание, а затем правильный ответ. Слайды №5,6)
T: Let’s pass to the second contest. Recently we’ve learned a lot about different animals and birds .This bird is considered to be the symbol of love. Poets have written many poems about it .They say its songs are the most beautiful songs of love in the world. Name this bird.(наэкране-соловей)You are right, it is a nightingale .Now listen to the text, complete the sentences and you will get 1 point for each correct sentence.
(текст для аудирования и задание к нему в Приложении. Слайды №7.8)
T: Let’s go on to the poetic contest .Within 5 minutes you have to write a poem, using the following words:
The highest score is 5. Dear jury and our guests ,you can join us and try to rhyme the words.
(команды получают листы с рифмами и после обсуждения зачитывают свои стихотворения. Слайд №9)
T: It was very nice. You are good poets .But love is so mystical and supernatural thing ,that sometimes we have no words to express it. I invite the captains of the teams to pantomime the words so that your partners can guess and name them.1 point for each correct answer.
(капитаны команд получают сердечки со словами, значение которых они должны передать с помощью пантомимы).
a heart, a kiss, a guitar, a flower, love etc.
T: Great !Good of you, thanks! And now let’s talk again. You should say these tongue twisters as quick and as well as you can! You’ll get 2 points for each correct answer. Mind the pronunciation and be careful with the sounds.
(на экране и на карточках– скороговорки: Merry Mary marries Marty on Monday и I miss my Swiss Miss. My Swiss Miss misses me. Слайд №10)
T: The next task is to use letters in the word HONEYMOON to make as many different words as possible.(at least 7 words).1 point for each correct word. Слайд №11)
T: Good job! Well, don’t you think it’s time to talk about love? For this task we need a boy from the team “Cupids” and a girl from the “Red diamond” and the other way round. The task is for boys .You have 3 minutes to complete the lines of the poem and to think what you’ll say to your sweethearts .Read it with a bit of feeling.5 points for this contest!
(мальчики дополняют строчки стихотворения на одном сердечке фразами, расположенными на другом. Оценивается правильность речи и артистичность. Слайд №12)
T: You’ve been really great! And now each team should draw a portrait of a dream girl with closed eyes .Do it all together, one by one adding to the picture, though you won’t see what you are drawing.
(члены команд поочереди с завязанными глазами рисуют на доске портреты. Слайд №13)
T: Isn’t it funny! No points, dear friends, it’s a joke!
T: And now- our last activity! You know that on Valentine’s Day people exchange greeting cards .You can buy them in the shop, buy I think it will be more special to create your own cards. So you have 5-7 minutes to design them and you’ll get 5 points for this contest.
(используя цветную бумагу, украшения, клей, ножницы, фломастеры и свою фантазию, ребята создают«валентинки».Звучит музыка, на экране изображения «валентинок», сделанных учащимися других классов. Затем члены команд демонстрируют присутствующим и гостям свои изделия дарят их членам жюри. Слайды №14,15,16)
T: Your cards are very nice .Both teams were very good.Dear jury, what are the results of our competition?
(подводятся итоги конкурса. Команды награждаются традиционными для этого праздника сладкими(шоколадными) призами.
Приложение (текст для аудирования и задание к нему)
Does the nightingale sing only at night?
Poets have written so many poems about the nightingale. They say :”Its songs are the most beautiful songs in the world “.Poets think, that the nightingale sings only at night and at any season of the year .But this isn’t true .The nightingale lives in England only from the middle of April till the middle of June. The bird doesn’t visit Ireland, Wales or Scotland .On the continent people can hear the nightingale in many countries especially in the South. The birds sings at night and also during the day, but because of other birds you can’t hear its song very well .While the nightingale sings one of the most beautiful song of all birds, its body is not very beautiful. The birds are reddish brown .They build their homes in the grass.
Listen to the tape and complete the sentences:
The nightingale lives in England from…
The nightingale never visits…
The nightingale sings at night and…
The nightingale”s song is beautiful but its body is…
На: английский язык.8 класс(внеклассное мероприятие )
урок- соревнование, расчитанный на 5-8кл.
На: английский язык.8 класс(внеклассное мероприятие )
слайды для проведения мероприятия в 5-8кл. которые более благоприятны для восприятия