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"Средства массовой информации: преимущества и недостатки".

Данные об авторе
Яковлева Елена Александровна
Место работы, должность: 

МАОУ СОШ №4 г. Малая Вишера Новгородской области.

Учитель английского языка

Новгородская область
Характеристики урока (занятия)
Уровень образования: 
основное общее образование
Целевая аудитория: 
Учащийся (студент)
8 класс
Английский язык
Цель урока: 

Обобщение и систематизация знаний учащихся по теме "Средства массовой информации"

Тип урока: 
Урок обобщения и систематизации знаний
Учеников в классе: 
Используемые учебники и учебные пособия: 

М.З.Биболетова, Н.Н,Трубанева. Программа курса английского языка "Английский с удовольствием" для 2-11 классов.-Обнинск: "Титул" 2008 г.

М.З.Биболетова Учебник английского языка для 8 класс.-Обнинск:"Титул"  2013г

М.З.Биболетова. Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику английского языка для 8 класса.-Обнинск: "Титул" 2013 г.

М.З,Биболетова. Книга для учителя к учебнику английского языка для 8 класса.-Обнинск: "Титул" 2013 г. 

Краткое описание: 
<p>Повторительно-обобщающий урок по теме &quot;СМИ&quot;. Цель урока: обобщение и систематизация материала по изученной теме.Формы работы учащихся на уроке: индивидуальная и групповая.&quot; Ребята составляют монологические высказывания по теме &quot;Моё любимое СМИ&quot;, &quot;Преимущества и недостатки ТВ&quot;, &quot;Роль Интернета в современной жизни&quot;.</p>


                                  урока  английского языка в 8 классе

                                    по теме «Mass Media: Good or Bad»

Цель: общение и систематизация знаний по теме «Средства массовой информации»


-воспитательная: формировать у учащихся интерес к СМИ;                                                                     - развивающая: расширять знания учащихся о средствах массовой информации, развивать умение учебного сотрудничества работать в группе;                                                                           - практическая: активизировать лексику и развивать навыки и умения монологической и диалогической речи при описании СМИ и выяснении их роли в обществе

Тип урока: повторительно-обобщающий

                                                                Ход урока:                                                                                  I.Начальный этап.

Teacher: Good morning! It’s nice to see you. The unit is finished and I would like to check your knowledge.

II. Основной момент.                                                                                                                                  1.Фронтальная беседа.                                                                                                                       Teacher: It’s very difficult to imagine   modern life without information.                                                 - Is that true?                                                                                                                                                - How do you get information?                                                                                                                 - What is Mass Media?                                                                                                                                 - What is Mass Media associated with?                                                                                                  So, we can get information about the world by watching TV, listening to the radio, by reading newspapers and from the Internet.                                                                                                                – What is your favourite way of getting information?

2.Рассказ учащихся о своих любимых средствах массовой информации.

For example:                                                                                                                                          

My favourite type of mass media is TV. It broadcasts a lot of interesting programmes, films and cartoons. I like watching educational, sports and musical programmes. My favourite genres of films are comedies, action films and thrillers. From TV I can get much information about important events in our country and abroad. I can also travel round the world without spending money and take part in shows and competitions. Besides, I can study foreign languages with the help of television.

3.Teacher: Thank you for your stories. But you should remember that such Mass Media as TV and the Internet have some negative points. So, let’s speak about advantages and disadvantages of TV.                                                                                                                                                      Advantages of TV                                                                                                                               Pupil 1:  TV keeps people informed.                                                                                              Pupil 2: We can learn a lot of information from TV.                                                                                                Pupil 3: TV provides programmes for all interest.                                                                                                   Pupil 4: We can relax, entertain.                                                                                                                    Pupil 5: We learn something new about the world, famous people, news.

Disadvantages of TV                                                                                                                       Pupil1:  TV takes a lot of time.                                                                                                                 Pupil 2:  It makes us lazy.                                                                                                                         Pupil 3: It is very harmful for our eyes.                                                                                                Pupil 4: Some violent programmes and films on TV make people cruel and aggressive.                Pupil 5: Adverts on TV can encourage us to buy things we don’t like.  

4. Teacher: Now let us speak about the Internet.  Your home task was to write a composition about the Internet. Now I would like to listen to your compositions. Who wants to read?  Несколько учеников читают свои сочинения об Интернете.                                                 Пример сочинения:                                                                                                                               

                                        The Role of the Internet in Our Life         

 I think the Internet is a really useful thing. Nowadays we even can’t imagine our life without it. The Internet has become mass media number one for many people.

Firstly, with the help of the Internet people can find a lot of useful and important information. Secondly, the can communicate with each other using the Internet. Besides, we made new friends, study foreign languages and play games. Moreover, the Internet helps us to do our homework especially on such subjects as Literature, History, Geography and others.

 But on the other hand, the Internet takes too much time. People don’t have time for reading, sport, their relatives and friends. Besides, the Internet is very dangerous for people’s health. If a person spends too much time using a computer, he can spoil his eyes.

So, we can make a conclusion, that the Internet is very important mass media. But it has some disadvantages. That’s why we should use it properly.        

5. Teacher: And the last task for today’s lesson. It’s a work in groups. I will give a newspaper for each group. Your task is to do the newspaper’s review.                                                                          Учащиеся делают обзор газеты, используя опорные фразы:                                                          The title of the newspaper is  …                                                                                                               The newspaper consists of   …                                                                                                            The first page is devoted to  …                                                                                                          On the…   page we can read interesting information about…                                                                 The … page contains…                                                                                                                         The last page reports/has…                                                                                                                            I like /don’t like this newspaper because…   

III. Заключительный этап.                                                                                                                       The teacher:  So, children! The time is over. You are well done today and I am satisfied with your work at the lesson. Your home task is to prepare for test on the topic “Mass Media”.                        



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